SUNDAY SERVICES IN CHURCH 10:30am (unless otherwise stated)
15th December 9.00am BCP Holy Communion / 10.30am Nativity/Toy Service - see below
22nd December Family Carols
24th December Christmas Eve 4.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols
25th December Christmas Day 10.00am Celebration with Communion
Please join us for refreshments after the 10:30am services
Brentwood Day Centre Christmas Buffet
115 Long Street, M24 6DL Especially for the homeless & those on the verge of homelessness on Monday 23 December 2024 from 10.00am to 3.00pm
All Welcome: please note – this is not just for the homeless – all are welcome.
Merry Christmas!!
Giving expresses our love for God and responds to God’s generosity to us. It is part of our worship week by week. There is a digital giving device at the back of church for card/contactless giving. Please use on your way in or out of church. It is simple to use, and a quick cost-effective method for us to collect your offertory giving. The offertory plate will continue to be passed in church, but if you are able, please use the digital device instead. You may also give online at: or set up a Standing Order through the Church Office.
If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators Ann Connell and Sarah Jennings.
C of E Secondary Schools require ‘points’ to enable your child to attend that school. Regularly attending our God’s Squad helps to accumulate those points but to make sure sufficient weeks are covered there will be a registration sheet at the entrance of church every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday. Please ensure your child is booked in.
Community Christingle Service: Thank you!
This service requires stewards to ensure a safe and organised flow as excited children come forward to leave their donation box and collect a lighted Christingle. Some stewards were present on both the Thursday and Friday evening, thank you so much! The team was Claire R, Dawn, Moira , Jill , Christine C , Thandi , Adele and Poppy , Kath H , Colin , Revd. David , Lynne W , Margaret S , Catherine H , Jonathon and the Explorers , Christine S. See you all again next year. The Ministry Team and Church Wardens express their appreciation and thanks for your valued contribution at the Service.
Christingle Production Line
A huge thank you to the people who braved the bad weather to help decorate the 160 oranges ready for the Community Christingle Service. Your help was much appreciated. The volunteer ‘A’ team was Gaynor, Lynne W, Colin, Dawn, Claire R, Margaret S, Revd. David, Catherine H, Carla, Donna, Saul, India, Willow, David H, Christine S
Christmas and New Year Greetings
Christine and Colin wish everybody a very happy Christmas filled with the love, peace, joy and hope of Jesus Christ and may you know the abiding presence of the Lord throughout the coming year. Thank you for all your support and encouragement during the past year which makes our role and workload with its many responsibilities more manageable and productive.
Every blessing, The Churchwardens