St Leonard Middleton


Safeguarding Leads

  • Anne Connell
  • Sarah Jennings

If you have any safeguarding concerns or queries please raise them via and one of the team will get back to you. Please include contact details in any query.

Safeguarding Policy: Coming shortly. Hard copy available from the church office.

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Abbey Clephane-Wilson; phone 0161 828 1451 Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm. E-mail: or

Website: Diocese of Manchester

Reporting a concern or issue

If you have a concern and need to make contact about a safeguarding issue, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer or the Parish Safeguarding Leads. If you need to make urgent contact outside of office hours contact 3:18 (formerly CCPAS) on 0303 003 1111 (option 1) (24 hour helpline).

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